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Surreal Blend | The Works of Michael Caporale

“TravelMug” Coffee App

  • My Contribution: UX Design, Prototyping

Objective: To prototype a fake app by utilizing a rapid UX design process. The final result was a clickable prototype built with Balsamiq.

Product Description: TravelMug offers busy people the convenience of having coffee delivered to them wherever, whenever. Pick your coffee, schedule out delivery for the next morning or next week, snooze if you're running late, and pay through the app! Never sit in a Starbucks line again.

Exercise Duration: ~4 hours


These are some quick sketches of user and business requirements, functional specs, the user persona and a quick user flow.

Lo-Fi Wireframes

This phase of rapid ideation allowed layout concepts to flow freely. Like a brainstorm, the purpose is not to lock on anything final, but just to discover the multitude of possibilities that can later be tested. Intentionally using a thick sharpie, I prevented myself from focusing on details.